Friday 28 July 2017


The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilisation (3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1900 BCE) mainly in the northwestern regions of South Asia, extending from what today is northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India.[1] Along with ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia it was one of three earliest civilisations of the world and included among the civilisations of the Old World, and of the three, the most widespread.[2][note 1]
It flourished in the basins of the Indus River, which flows through the length of Pakistan, and along a system of perennial, mostly monsoon-fed, rivers that once coursed in the vicinity of the seasonal Ghaggar-Hakra river in northwest India and eastern Pakistan.[3][4][5][note 2] Aridification of this region during the 3rd millennium BCE may have been the initial spur for the urbanisationassociated with the civilisation, but eventually also reduced the water supply enough to cause the civilisation's demise, and to scatter its population eastward.[6][7][5][8][note 3]
At its peak, the Indus Civilisation may have had a population of over five million.[9] Inhabitants of the ancient Indus river valley developed new techniques in handicraft (carnelian products, seal carving) and metallurgy (copper, bronze, lead, and tin). The Indus cities are noted for their urban planning, baked brick houses, elaborate drainage systems, water supply systems, and clusters of large non-residential buildings.[10]
The Indus Valley Civilisation is also known as the Harappan Civilisation, after Harappa, the first of its sites to be excavated in the 1920s, in what was then the Punjab province of British India, and now is Pakistan.[11] The discovery of Harappa, and soon afterwards, Mohenjo-Daro, was the culmination of work beginning in 1861 with the founding of the Archaeological Survey of India in the British Raj. Excavation of Harappan sites has been ongoing since 1920, with important breakthroughs occurring as recently as 1999.[13]This Harappan civilisation is sometimes called the Mature Harappan culture to distinguish it from the cultures immediately preceding and following it. Of these, the earlier is often called the Early Harappan culture, while the later one may be referred to as the Late Harappan, both of which existed in the same area as the Mature Harappan Civilisation. The early Harappan cultures were preceded by local Neolithic agricultural villages, from where the river plains were populated.[14][15] As of 1999, over 1,056 cities and settlements had been found, of which 96 have been excavated,[16] mainly in the general region of the Indus and Ghaggar-Hakra Rivers and their tributaries. Among the settlements were the major urban centres of HarappaMohenjo-daro (UNESCO World Heritage Site), DholaviraGaneriwala and Rakhigarhi.[17]


Toward A More Merciful World!

For each of us eventually, whether we're ready or not, someday it will come to an end. This is part of one of the most inspirational thing I've ever. I first heard it from a documentary called "The Beautiful Truth".
We've pretty much heard it all, at least once. It goes something like, nobody knows when life ends and thus we should all be trying to make the best out of it, all the time.

What Truly Matters!

It then goes on to say: "What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice, that enriched, empowered, or encouraged others to emulate your example." (Source)
What I share on Steem is a big part of my legacy. If I'd die tomorrow, what's in this post and a couple others would probably be what I would love to be remembered for.
As an aside, Steemit is fast becoming the most popular social network there is and as I've said previously, it seems only a black swan event could reverse this trend.
Sooner or later, millions of people will be visiting Steemit and our actions here today will become a lot more influential which is something we should be all keeping in mind.
Let's try to acknowledge the plight of the most in need and work towards helping them, so that the universe's infinite beauty can be infinitely reflected wherever we look.

Maximizing One's Life Enjoyment!

Everyone should look toward maximizing one's life enjoyment while also working on making the initiation of violence obsolete, as abuse and initiation of violence lowers life enjoyment for everyone.
"People don’t choose violence because they want the violent solution, the choose it because they don’t see any other way." @dantheman (Steem's main architect)
There might always be some people resorting to violence but this isn't a reason not to work to curtail its use and thus working toward making the initiation of violence obsolete.
Making the initiation of violence obsolete is the ultimate challenge humanity is faced with. There is no greater challenge and thus no greater reward, for if we can do away with the initiation of violence and abuse, an era of unprecedent cooperation awaits us.
Since its very beginning, life has evolve pressured by merciless competition. Maybe then, merciful social pressure could be one of our best tool to curtail violence and abuse.

Organizing Peaceful Cooperation!

To do away with the need of violence, we need to do away with the current form of governments. Doing away with current governments, without the use of violence, needs to be done with free market.
I believe that properly organized social pressures can be far more powerful than any standing army or government bureaucrat. @dantheman
Trying to organize those positive social pressures or in other words, peaceful cooperation, is currently our most honorable option we have, working toward a better world.
Cryptocurrencies are better suitted than any other technology to enable us to organized peaceful cooperation on a scale we've never seen before.
Cryptocurrencies are a new type of technology which first emerge in January 2009 with Bitcoin.
In the following series of article I will demonstrate what are the many advantages and new features cryptocurrencies have over national currencies as well as how they are undermining the power of the different governments to the benefit of every Earthlings.
I'm organizing peaceful cooperation, leveraging social pressures to become a better person. Steem, cryptocurrencies and social pressures are only some tools part of a bigger whole which we should try never to lose sight of.
I aim at making this series a reference in term of helping people to live a more enjoyable life. This series will be part of a bigger series in which I will share what I learn about what is most important in life, from the alpha to the omega and everything in between.


The evolution of Adam - Who is Adam?

First up there is the matter of Eve being taken out of Edam and being called Woman (not yet Eve in the biblical account)

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Verse 23 begs this observation.

Typically we, these days, refer to close relatives of our direct line as blood relatives. In this instance there is no mention of blood, only flesh and bone. Adam only sees Woman as bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.

Verse 24 is intriguing.

Is this Adam still speaking, about a man leaving his father and his mother(which he is not supposed to have had), or is it an observation of the author of the account, inserting his own commentary, or perhaps explaining the purpose of framing this portion of the account in this way?

Next we find:

  • the couple are both naked and not ashamed
  • the are already referred to as the man and his wife
  • the are in a specially prepared garden where all needs are catered for
  • their duty is to dress it and to keep it
  • the possess a degree of innocence (insufficient knowledge of good and evil)
  • (their eyes are not yet opened, but they aren't bumping into trees)

We learn, as a consequence of the fall, that other things were operating in the "Garden"

  • death was yet to come
  • work and child bearing and raising responsibilities were yet to come
  • The walked and talked with God as a parent-like figure.

When we lump all these conditions together and ask ourselves the following questions, something interesting emerges.

When were we able to run round naked and not feel ashamed?
When were most of our needs taken care of, in a safe environment, with a relatively care-free existence?
When were we innocent and our eyes not yet opened?
When was potential endless and mortality the last thought on our minds?
When were we without major responsibilities?
When were or parents ever present?

These can all be summed up to encapsulate a definition of most ordinary peoples childhood.

We all spent a couple of years naked and unashamed in the paradise of childhood with its relatively few cares and responsibilities. Untainted by hard years and experiences.

Life for us started with a few years as an Adam or an Eve in or own little Eden created by loving parents where time seemed to be endless, an hour an eternity and life would go on forever.


Team Loto  [English version]

Officially Genin
It was very early in the morning when Ruen rose with enthusiasm as he would have the final tests to be officially a Genin. The boy, after doing his cleaning and dressing habits, left his room running to the ground floor of his home.
He felt enthusiastic and very lively, since the beginning of his ninja career would be announced within a few days. His mother Thea was finishing preparing breakfast, and knowing this, sat down quickly in the family dining room.
"Good morning Ruen, I see you woke up earlier today than usual. The woman said, even looking at the boy. Something that Ruen has bothered because he could never be secretive with her, since he always discovered.
  • Yes, I want to practice before the final test, I do not want to make mistakes. I would not forgive myself if I can not be a Genin for a mistake, I must be prepared. Ruen added, grumbling, while the mother walked with white rice, grilled fish and eggs. Followed by a delicious Tea which the boy sucked in his scent with pleasure.
"I think you're exaggerating a bit, you'll see that everything will turn out very well." Also, do not think it is wasting chakra practice before the test. Thea said quietly.
Ruen was about to respond, when he was interrupted by Ryu.
"The boy knows what Thea does, just have a little confidence. Also, I think it's good to be cautious and if the problem is the chakra, I think Ruen is the most chakra boy I've ever met. He finished, stirring his son's hair, who was frowning at it.
Ryu was the true member of the Taneha clan, as he had short brown hair and brown eyes; In his face a scar was marked from one end of the face to the other, indicating that he had had many battles, something that Ruen always wanted to know without success; And for being very early was wearing a gray kimono. While, Thea was a member of the Cakuna Clan, thus having an appearance completely to the clan where it inhabited. His hair was a dark blue color and long, his eyes were like Takigakure's wells, a blue sky and a very beautiful silhouette.
While the Taneha clan was known in the village to use combinations of elemental ninjutsus of water and thunder, Cakuna was known to use combined techniques of water and earth. None of the clans has been able to realize the union of both elements, reason why is not known to anyone with special abilities or Kekkei Genkai until now.
"Stop making such a fuss over a simple test." I'm sure he'll do well, I've seen him and he's one of the best in the academy, "Teren Taneha, Ruen's older brother, said. He was a year older than the boy, and his appearance was typical of the clan: Brown hair with a lock on his face, brown eyes, with a garment of base colors; A dark mustard t-shirt, brown shorts and sandals of the same color. His expression always violated tranquility, a peculiar characteristic of the boy. "We'd better eat fast if you want me to help you in your practice, for I have a mission to do," concluded the young Genin, as they all watched him astonished by his unprepared appearance.
Tery taneha.jpg
Ruen nodded, then watched as his brother and father sat next to him, and this seeing Tery eat very fast, wanted to do the same, turning breakfast into a competition over who won first, something natural between the two of them. They were thus tied.
"I'll never understand, why they have to compete in everything," Ryu added, drinking his Tea quietly.
The boys promptly left their home. Ruen could not help but suck in the air, for the smell of the village was one of the things he loved most about this place. They both walked in the direction of the forest, specifically to the training place of their family. And when they arrived, Ruen smiled to see the terrain with the different obstacles that he possessed. He remembered how countless his training was, being Tery very good with the kunais and Ruen with the shurikens.
The two boys were placed in one of the first tests, which was to give the target in 20 points with different directions and levels.
"Well, you just have to do the same thing I'll do, so it's very close to my movements. Tery said, his voice monotonous.
Ruen nodded and watched.
Tery stood at the center of the place and, running to a tree where he climbed up to it easily and then jump, throw three kunais, and before they were nailed to one point, gave a somersault in the air and threw three Kunais that, collided against the other three changing direction, nailing in 6 points. As it descended it began to turn headfirst into the air, it seemed a swirling whirlwind, and with each turn it sent Kunais, and then fell perfectly on the ground with his feet and crouched.
Ruen was stunned by this, knew that his brother was a good ninja for being so young, also knew that he would become very strong since he would have real ninja missions, but never thought that this would become so good.
  • Now it's up to you, do not worry if you do not hit the 25 points. With 10 points you can pass the exam of ninja tools.
    The boy nodded, and taking a breath of air, went to the center of the place.
He inhaled and exhaled again, closed his eyes to concentrate, then took three shurikens in both hands and ran to the tree. He climbed it by using his strength and chakra, since he was very good at controlling this, and jumping just as his brother did, sent the six shuriken to different directions, and trying to match his brother's speed, took another six shurikens Beat between them, then nailed in 12 points. Something that impressed Tery, as he scored more points than he did in the first jump. Ruen began to fall face down, and wanting to spin like his brother, something that cost him, managed only to throw four more shurikens, nailing them perfectly in the designated points, but only managed to score 16 points. Just as his brother fell perfectly, but his breathing was accelerating, unlike his brother who was always very calm.
"I could not get the 25 points, I had a hard time turning in the air," Ruen mused, very angry.
Tery came over and squeezed her shoulder with a smile.
"Easy, you did very well. I already told you that with 10 points you will pass the test. Now let's move on to the basic ninja techniques.
Ruen accepted, but inside he felt he had failed. These moved away from the target range, and reached the circumference where it was usually used for the practice of taijutsu, but in this case Ruen would show his techniques.
This test would consist of performing: Replica Jutsu, Transforming Jutsu, Blinking Body Jutsu, Body Replacement Jutsu and Camouflage Jutsu.
To do this was very simple for Ruen, so they did not take long to go, what Ruen expected, physical attacks or Taijutsu.
The two of them in the right place, they were in a fighting position. Ruen was the first to attack with different combos of blows with his hands and legs, but Tery stopped them all. However, Ruen did not stop. They were like this for several minutes, until Tery began to press him until throwing Ruen for the first time, this annoyed by that, wiped the dust and with a war cry continued, but only lasted seconds, since Tery again He had struck by sending him to the ground, this time it had been a kick in his stomach which threw him. The boy a little fed up with the situation, decided to try again, but this time he made use of ninja techniques, so that by making use of this managed to send Tery to the ground, something that impressed the young. Ruen laughed, and it felt good to see his brother on the floor, but this one with the same tranquility, he added.
"Okay, what you did, but if you do that in today's test you will fail taijutsu, and this will appear on your ninja submission sheet. Since, it is not allowed to make combinations in the test.
-What!? Is seriously!? So this will be boring, I do not think he's the best in taijutsu. "Ruen replied frustrated.
"I know, but that's the rules, you'll have to do the best for yourself.
Ruen snorted, and Tery came closer.
"Let's go back, it's about time you showed up at the academy."
The boy nodded, not before kicking a stone off the floor, just to calm the frustration. But, Tery knew that his brother had been phenomenal in practice, for although he was not the best in taijutsu he had known, it was the combination of his techniques that made him a genius, even though he did not know it yet.
Ruen was hurrying through the village, jumping on the roofs and running even through the water to be able to get to the academy on time, because his last practice was coming late, and only because he did not measure the time it would take him Give yourself another bath.
In the distance, he saw a large rectangular wooden structure with different levels, with harmonized orange and blue colors. The academy was close, and seeing it gave Ruen a feeling of joy, it would be the last time he would be there, that good and bad moments had passed.
Since, from a very small age, it was true that he had received many accolades, but he had also received many ridicule from various people in the village. They commented that the boy was not part of the village, something that bothered Ruen, because he loved his town. And though he had asked his parents about those comments, they only explained that the people were envious that the Taneha clan had a member as special as he. For Ruen, this was phenomenal, but he would have believed it, if it had not been Yugue Taneha, his cousin, who himself had spoken saying that he was not part of the clan, that it was an unpleasant infiltrate which he had to endure .
Remembering that, it disturbed Ruen, but otherwise, he would discover the truth.
Finally he arrived at the academy and, the first thing that he did was to talk with his great friend Kroun. The gray-haired boy (the natural color of the Yagura clan, the strongest ninjas in terms of water techniques), and a gentle gaze was seated, and this surprised him from the back, so that almost made him fall from the chair; Something that made Laen laugh a lot, while Kroun frowned at him.
"You're an idiot Ruen, you almost make him die of fright," Kroun said dramatically.
"If only I could do that to my mother, that is, with her I can not be a good spy ninja, she always finds me." Sometimes I think he has a super ear.
Kroun laughed, also infecting Ruen, but that ended when a familiar voice said.
"But it's my cousin's weirdo." Roen turned to the voice, looking at the brown-haired boy, with the typical smirk, and the Twins of the Clan Duree; The two boys seemed to be very good, but these when meeting with Yugue, they changed their good personality, to a carrion.
"What do you want, Yugue?" Ruen asked, his brow furrowed and his voice heavy.
"I just wanted to tell you, I hope you fail all the tests and you can not become a real ninja, only then will I see you the way I want to see you, frustrated in your own dream of being the one who gives the people vigor. It will be me who brings the honor to this place, total, after all corresponds to a true native.
Ruen was already approaching his fist to the face of his cousin, when someone else came forward. He watched his cousin on the floor, who moaned in pain, then saw Laila, the girl who had provided the blow.
"You ..." Ruen pointed out, confused.
"You're an idiot Laila, you'll pay for it, you see," Yugue commented, as he was lifted by the Cuné twins in blue robes and Necu in red robes; For they were identical, dark hairs, thin green eyes.
The three of them walked away from us, and Ruen took advantage of that to ask.
-Why did you do that?.
"Come on Ruen, you will not believe I did it for you, right? Remember that you are not to my liking. But, that does not give anyone reason to deny a person of the town, you as annoying as it seems to me you are one of us and Yugue has just crossed the line. Besides, what else could you be, if they were not somebody from the village? It's ridiculous. - Ironically explained, the girl with red hair and tattoo on the face (Distinctive appearance of the Fuma clan; Ninjas specialists in marine dance, a mixture between aquatic ninjutsus, ninjas tools and taijutsu, unique in the village, but clan ninjas are few).
"Thank you ..." Ruen added, being ignored by the girl.
The exams had finally begun. The first phase consisted of an examination of basic foundations of life. In this, they had to answer questions on: Mathematics, biology, geography, geology, chemistry, literature, logic and history. A phase of which Ruen was not very sure, for he learned only enough, unlike his friend Kroun, who was a genius on all these grounds.
The second phase consisted of what he had practiced with his brother, but this time he had to score 20 points maximum with ninja tools, in which he selected the shurikens, and seeing the space of this one that was much more open than that of His own training camp, managed to get an almost perfect score, achieving 18 points. Being Laila, the only one with perfect score, while her cousin Yugue got 15 points Kroun the exact 10 points.
Then they went on to the stage of Ninjutsu, where they were to put into practice the basic Genut jutusus. And in this phase, all the students managed to pass it.
In the test of taijutsu for luck of Ruen, it was touched to him to a weak pupil who defeated in seconds with a single blow, something that annoyed to Ruen, since it waited for something much stronger. While Kroun had to fight with Yugue, and to his surprise, both were in a draw. He never imagined that his friend would improve in taijutsu, for he was of little interest to him, unlike ninjutsu. While Laila was once again the best in taijutsu.
The last test was the application, test that was to put into practice everything learned, but, this we had to do against a Genin.
This surprised Ruen, because among the Genin to participate in this test, was his brother.
His hands were sweating, for he knew that if he had to fight against his brother, he would inevitably be lost.
However, Tery had to fight against Laila and, to his greater surprise, it was to see that both boys were tied. He even managed to see how Laila formed an excellent Mizu Shooku Suiton (a technique that sends a stream of water from the throat) but was countered by a Tery-shaped Earth wall; Something very peculiar of the boy, since this one had left positive to have three types of element: Water, Earth and Thunder.
A Genin called Uk fought against Kroun, this one belonged to the same clan of Kron, reason why a fight was observed quite difficult, and although Uk obtained the victory, the impression was based, when Kron managed to realize a Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Clones of Water), Mizu Kawirami no Jutsu (water replacement) and a perfect Sen Suikan no Kega (Jutsu consisting of a thousand aquatic projectiles, made by water in the form of sharp needles) a jutsu chunin, but Uk being a user of the same clan And with more experience in battle managed to beat him.
To Yugue, it was a girl named Mona of the Kugui clan; Clan where lies the village Jinchuriki. And this one managed to defeat to Yugue, when it sent to him a Fujaku Hishou Shouken (Technique chunin that throws strong currents of air that cut everything to its passage), surpassing thus the impressive Raikurai no Jutsu (It forms a cloud with lightning storms on the area of Combat) of Yugue, who impressed by being a technique chunin, something incredible for a ninja who is even a Genin.
For this moment Ruen was nervous, never thought to see such impressive skills of his companions, in fact, never thought that both Yugue and Kroun knew Ninjutsus Chunin so strong. He had even learned techniques as powerful as those of his friends.
So, when the time had come, Ruen had to fight against Kasake Duree, a member of the village leader clan. The twins encouraged the familiar from the stands, while, Ruen thought of different strategies. The Duree clan was famous, for possessing the element steam, element given by the fusion of the element water and fire.
Kasake Duree, was in front of Ruen, with his blue glance very alert to the movements of Ruen, and when this one began to run in its direction, it did not be at all disturbed to see three justsus of retorts, because easily distinguished to the boy. So, he used a kunai that sent the real subject, but he got a surprise to see that the replicas had disappeared before the contact of his kunai, because of the blinking body jutsu, because the boy was inches from him with a fist Straight to his face.
Kasake used a body replacement in time, and away from the boy I created clones of water. They fired at Ruen, but he very skillfully placed explosive seals and, taking advantage of the smoke, appeared behind Kasake and struck him, throwing him away.
Ruen felt good about that blow, but stopped smiling when he also saw a smile on Kasake's face.
The boy got up from the floor shaking, while Ruen again stood in combat position. Without warning, Kasake appeared in front of the boy, showing his true speed, and with great agility, he said.
"Water rage, Suki no Jutsu. "A circle of water enveloped Ruen, being completely trapped in technique. His breathing stopped, trying to keep the little air he had drawn. Everyone thought the battle was over, however, Ruen was thinking of making the only "Ace" under his sleeve, so, making a series of Futon style seals, he said with difficulty the water.
-Zankuuha. A huge stream of air appeared in the arms of Ruen, thus destroying the prison of water. The boy knew he had a one chance against Kasake, so, making another seal move, he added.
-Fuutón Reppuken -A current of air hit Kasake, preventing him from looking well. And when he managed to see the area he found multiple replicas, which when he was so close he could not distinguish, so, wanting to finish this at once, he said.
A vapor curtain surrounded the boy, feeling a great temperature Ruen in his body that managed to burn him, screaming like this in pain, falling to the ground.
The fight was over, and it had been Tery, who came to see how his brother was.
"You're an idiot Kasake, he's even a ninja to use more advanced techniques. "Tired, he frowned.
"I'm sorry Tery, I just felt pressured, he was very skilled with that technique and I trusted. He added, showing a grin.
Thanks to the help of the academy's medical ninjas, Ruen managed to say goodbye to the burns, but to have lost it had depressed him, and at the same time impelled to improve as a ninja, he had to do it, if he wanted to fulfill his ninja path.
At the end of the tests, they began to call those who had passed the exams, and Ruen forgot everything he was feeling, when his name was heard through his teacher. He ran to receive his bandana, but Riku, the master did not deliver his bandana in the hands of the boy, but it was placed in the neck as a sign of affection to the boy, something that Ruen appreciated.
His path Ninja had barely begun, and already considered his rivals to overcome: Kron, Yugue, Laila, Tery and Kasuke, the one that had hit him harder in the day.


The  Indus Valley Civilisation  ( IVC ) was a  Bronze Age   civilisation  (3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1900 BCE) mainly in the nor...